Buying a property Ode Apartments

The sale of Ode Apartments takes place in 2 phases: first, the exclusive presale, followed by the start of the sale of the apartments that are still available. The presale takes place in the following steps:

1. Signing up

Would you like to be the first to be eligible for the residence of your choice? Apply for the presale before 17 March 17:00 by signing up for a specific type of residence or construction number on the website.

2. Presale start

The exclusive presale starts on Thursday 18 March and ends on Thursday 25 March 2021. If you signed up, you will have the opportunity to bid on the residence of your choice, in writing, during this period.

During this phase, the Ode Apartments do not have fixed prices. Starting prices have been determined for the various types of residences, however. These v.o.n. prices (vrij op naam, = costs payable by vendor) are based on the annual long lease and do not include parking spaces. The price includes the annual long lease from 1-7-2015 to 1-7-2021. 

3. Bids

During the presale, you can submit your bid to BPD | Bouwfonds Gebiedsontwikkeling by sending an email to [email protected] attn: Judith van Gelder. A confirmation is always sent within 24 hours after receipt of your email.

Conditions for bids:

  • Only bids submitted in the period between 18 March and 25 March 2021 will be accepted.
  • Each (future) household may submit bids for multiple construction numbers.
  • Each (future) household will be assigned a single apartment by the vendor.
  • You should always clearly indicate in your bid whether you want to purchase the apartment with or without a parking lot, and with or without a charging station. If you wish to purchase multiple parking lots, you can also state this.

Bids are assessed based on the following criteria:

  1. Height of the bid (always v.o.n. (vrij op naam, = costs payable by vendor) and based on annual long lease);
  2. Subject/not subject to availability of funding;
  3. Payment using own resources, bridge loan, or mortgage.

It would be appreciated if, along with your bid, you could submit a document from your bank or accountant stating that funding will not be an issue.

4. Residence allocation

BPD assesses the bids and allocates residences under reservation. We announce the allocation results at the end of week 13 of 2021. You will be notified if you were assigned a residence under reservation or if you were selected as a back-up candidate.

5. Funding

Bidders that are assigned residences should, within 10 days, submit a document from their bank or accountant stating that the funding of the residence in question will not be an issue. The allocation under reservation will then be made definitive. You can find more about this document or the Private Banking service by Rabobank on the 'Funding’ service page.

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